
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

04th April 2023 18:13:41 Hours

SLLI Seva Vanitha to Launch More Welfare Projects

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Seva Vanitha Branch (SLLI-SVB) took place on Sunday (26 March 2023) at the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Officers’ Mess.

The meeting was presided by the Chairperson, Sri Lanka Light Infantry Seva Vanitha Branch Mrs. Dhanuja Weerasooriya who expressed her views on the projects and future plans in time to come. She explained welfare facilities of fallen War Heroes and serving officers, other ranks including the civil employees to the gathering.

During the meeting, committee members were appointed in order to carry out future welfare projects. On a request made by the Seva Vanitha Branch, a fruitful lecture was also delivered by Mrs Chandima Gayathri Wijesundara, the Senior Professor at the University of Ruhuna under the theme ‘Let’s raise the voice on behalf of women’.