
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

31st January 2023 18:51:03 Hours

SLNG Ladies Provide School Aids and Relief Packs

The Sri Lanka National Guard Seva Vanitha Branch (SLNG - SVB) ladies launched one more welfare programme to distribute school aids and relief packs among SLNG members serving in the SLNG during a simple ceremony on Wednesday (Jan 25) at the SLNG Regimental Centre in Wehera, Kurunegala.

During the event, selected 38 civil employees serving the SLNG received relief ration packs, each worth Rs 7,500 /= and 100 students studying for the Grade 5 scholarship examination - 2023 received school aids and equipment packets, each worth Rs 3,000/=. In the same ceremony, a total of 132 more students studying for the Ordinary Level Examination 2023 were awarded educational accessories and aids, each pack to the value of Rs 5,000/= as incentives.

Mrs Janaki Liyanage, Chairperson, SLNG - SVB graced the event as the chief guest, together with Colonel H.A Keerthinatha, Centre Commandant, SLNG, Senior Officers, Officers, members of SLNG - SVB and Other Ranks.