
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

24th February 2023 12:35:24 Hours

Army Seva Vanitha Unit - Initiated ‘Viru Sisu Pradeepa’ Project Phase-2 Awards 100 More Scholarships to Children of War Heroes

The Phase-2 of the 'Viru Sisu Pradeepa’ scholarship project, initiated by the Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) at the Army HQ, intending to grant educational relief to students of Army families, late War Heroes and injured War Heroes got underway on Thursday (23 Feb) by awarding 100 more scholarships, each worth of Rs. 25,000 to students during a symbolic distribution ceremony at the Army HQ.

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army at the invitation of Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU graced the awarding ceremony as the Chief Guest where sons and daughters of fallen War Heroes or injured War Heroes who fought for the country's territorial integrity as well as children of those serving ones were among the beneficiaries. The National Defence Fund and the Bank of Ceylon (BOC) jointly sponsored the Phase-2 of the project.

Each student who has passed the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination under the programme received a cash deposit of Rs 25,000 in their savings account and its monthly dividends are accordingly provided to the beneficiaries for purchase of educational requirements. Two scholarship recipients offered sheaves of betel and welcomed Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, the Chief Guest for the day with Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU upon their arrival at the premises.

Lighting of the traditional oil lamp and recital of the ASVU theme song kicked off the brief ceremony, symbolically attended by 30 beneficiaries. A two-minute silence after a while saluted the memory of fallen War Heroes before proceedings continued. Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage after award of a segment of those incentives addressed the occasion and urged those young ones to study hard and be patriotic citizens of this country as it would be an honour for their fallen fathers or wounded ones.

In addition, selected beneficiaries received packs of school accessories, each worth nearly Rs. 7000.00, including an English-Sinhala Dictionary and a Children's Savings Cube from Major General D.G.S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Deputy Chief of Staff, President, ASVU, and the Commander of the Army in succession.

Afterwards, the philanthropists, Mr Don Anthony and Mrs Chamini Anthony who were present at the event as special guests with the support of Lions Club of Horsham, Sussex, England donated nearly Rs. 2.7 million worth of spectacles and hearing aid sets to the Army for distribution among students with special needs at Koswana Special School, Kaikawala, Matale and needy Army personnel and their families.

In recognition of their generous gesture of philanthropy, the Army Chief presented a symbolic appreciative memento to both Mr and Mrs Anthony.

Towards the end, a beneficiary raised the vote of thanks and expressed gratitude to the ASVU for the incentives. The day’s Chief Guest took time off and interacted with those beneficiaries and invitees, sharing a couple of thoughts and pleasantries during refreshments.

Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardena RWP RSP ndu, Quarter Master General, Several Senior Officers, Senior members of ASVU, Officers, ASVU Staff and Other Ranks attended the awarding ceremony.