
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

07th September 2022 17:13:56 Hours

SLSC-SVB Holds Trade Fair

The Sri Lanka Signal Corps - Seva Vanitha Branch (SLSC-SVB) with the aim of raising funds for its welfare roles held a trade fair at the SLSC playground at Panagoda on Friday (26).

Mrs Sashika Herath, Chairperson, SLSC-SVB launched the project where all ranks serving the SLSC were facilitated to buy food items, plants, clothes, spices and many other varieties at concessionary rate from one location in order to alleviate economic burdens.

Mrs Sashika Herath, Chairperson, SLSC-SVB as the Chief Guest, opened the Trade Fair, together with lady members of the Seva Vanitha Branch, SLSC Officers and Other Ranks.