
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

09th July 2022 17:33:44 Hours

SLSC Seva Vanitha Ladies Organize Counselling Programme for SLSC Members

With the intention of solving psychological issues of the military personnel, a counselling project was organized at the Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC) Regimental HQ at Panagoda on 30 June 2022. Major General Lalith Herath, Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps and the Chief Signal Officer of the Sri Lanka Army instructed the SLSC Seva Vanitha Unit to stage the project. Mrs Shashika Herath, Sri Lanka Signal Corps Seva Vanitha Unit launched the project and took part in the inauguration of the counselling workshop which largely focused on ‘Stress of Life’. It was held at the SLSC Regimental HQ auditorium in order to improve the mental health of the Other Ranks of the Sri Lanka Signal Corps. The resource person, Psychologist, Captain Vishmika De Silva delivered the lectures and connected 42 island-wide SLSC formations through the Zoom technology.