
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

10th May 2023 19:12:09 Hours

GW Troops with University Support Renovate School Halls & Instal Water Pump

Responding to a request of school authorities, Gemunu Watch (GW) troops at Kuruwita with sponsorship provided jointly by lecturers and undergraduates at the Management Faculty of the University of Sri Jayawardanapura renovated two school buildings at Ekneligoda School in Kuruwita and formally left them in the authorities on Wednesday (03 May).

Upon completion of renovations, a much-needed water pumping machine was installed after laying necessary accessories in order to ensure the smooth flow of drinking water to the students using remainder of the funds, collected by the university team as guided by the Dean of the Management Faculty.

Acting on the guidelines given by Colonel of the Regiment, GW, Centre Commandant, GW Regimental HQ and the Chairperson, GW Seva Vanitha Branch (GW-SVB), troops completed the project within weeks to the satisfaction of students and school authorities.

During a simple ceremony afterwards, a stock of school accessories and essentials were also awarded to school students in order to encourage them to reach higher educational levels.

Dean of the Faculty, Lecturers and Undergraduates of the University of Sri Jayawardenapura, GW-SVB members, Senior Officers, teachers and students were associated with the occasion.