
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

21st January 2022 09:50:54 Hours

GW-SVU Supports Medical Costs of Two Ailing Daughters

The Gemunu Watch - Seva Vanitha Unit (GW-SVU), headed by Mrs Geetha Athukorala and members of the Seva Vanitha Unit decided to provide medical assistance, valued at Rs 5000/=per month for a period of one year for two ailing daughters of a GW soldier for use for their medical treatment.

Mrs Geetha Athukorala and members of the GW-SVU on 04 January 2022 visited the soldier’s house and handed over the first month’s instalment, along with some essential school stationeries. Further, they handed over dry ration parcel, worth about Rs 20,000/= for their use.