
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

26th August 2022 15:48:48 Hours

GW - SVU Ladies Take Gift Parcels to 'Abhimansala' War Heroes

The Gemunu Watch Seva Vanitha Unit (GW - SVU) ladies, together with a few musicians entertained permanently-injured War Heroes residing at 'Abimansala 2' in Kamburupitiya wellness resort on 13 Aug 2022.

After those War Heroes enjoyed music and songs, presented by musicians as well as by they themselves, each War Hero was awarded a gift parcel of essential items, prepared by GW - SVU members. Mr. Ruchini Lamahewa, Chairperson, GW- SVU gave guidelines for the arrangement.

GW-SVU Senior members, several GW officers and Other Ranks participated in the day’s event.