
Sri Lanka Army
Physical Training School


31st December 2018 14:39:08 Hours

17xOfficers and 170xSoldiers Who successfully completed their courses

16 x Male officers and 01 x Female officer (Officer Adv PTI Course no 10), 19 x Soldiers and 02 x Women soldiers (Adv PTI Course no 39), 132 x Soldiers and 03 x Women Soldiers (Assistant PTI Course no 116) and 14 x Soldiers (Swimming Instructor Course 23), who successfully completed their course in Army Physical Training School at Panagoda, Passed out in colorful ceremony on 24th December 2018. The Master General Ordnance and Quarter Master General (O/L) Major General HJS Gunawardena RSP USP ndc psc graced the occasion as the chief guest and Director General Army Sport, Major General WAVA Sudasingha USP ndc IG, Regimental centre commandants and other senior officers participated as other invitees.