
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

10th September 2024 22:22:01 Hours

SLLI - SVB Inaugurates Newly Built Home for SLLI Soldier

Under the guidance of Major General G.M.N. Perera RWP RSP USP ndc, Quarter Master General and Colonel of the Regiment of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI), and Mrs. Vajira Perera, Chairperson of the SLLI Seva Vanitha Branch (SLLI - SVB), a significant housing project commenced on 06 July 2024.

The initiative provided financial aid for 11 War Heroes to complete their dream house while the manpower assistance for constitution extended by the respective battalions.

As part of the first stage, the newly constructed home for Corporal S. Sumathipala was inaugurated by the Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion SLLI and a senior member of SLLI - SVB.

The ceremony saw participation from Officers and Other Ranks of the 1st Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry.