
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

16th April 2024 17:41:02 Hours

SLCMP - SVB Distributes Dry Ration Packs Among Civil Employees

In line with the Sinhala & Tamil New Year, the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Seva Vanitha Branch (SLCMP-SVB) distributed dry ration packs among civil personnel serving at the SLCMP Regimental Centre, Polhengoda, Narahenpita on 09 April 2024.

Mrs. Priyanthika De Zoysa, the President of SLCMP-SVB graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and distributed Rs. 5000- worth of dry ration packs.

This donation was made possible through the generous sponsorship of SLCMP-SVB, and Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks, and members of SLCMP -SVB participated in the occasion