
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

31st August 2023 19:57:51 Hours

SLCMP-SVB Has its Monthly Meeting with a Lecture

The Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Seva Vanitha Branch (SLCMP-SVB) had its monthly meeting on Wednesday (23 August) at the SLCMP Regimental Headquarters at Polhengoda, presided by the Chairperson, Mrs. Priyanthika De Zoysa.

The first session of the day’s programme focused on Seva Vanitha roles and the second session included a lecture on the theme ‘Self Love and Anger Management’ conducted by Mr. Hasitha Hewawasam, Lecturer on Motivation and Counselling.

Members of the Seva Vanitha Branch, Senior Officers, Officers, and more than 200 Other Ranks participated in the sessions.