
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

29th June 2023 21:58:46 Hours

SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Holds its Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps Seva Vanitha Branch (SLAGSC - SVB) was held on Monday (26 May) at the Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps lecture hall, chaired by Mrs. Ruvina Mettananda, Chairperson of SLAGSC - SVB.

The event commenced by lighting the traditional oil lamp and singing of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit anthem followed by the welcome address, made by the SLAGSC - SVB Coordinator Major Y.C Guruge.

The Chairperson, SLAGSC - SVU addressed the gathering to share her thoughts among the participants. The AGM was followed by the reading of minutes of the previous AGM by the Secretary, SLAGSC - SVB, Mrs Nayomi De Silva. In addition, a video footage consists of the summary of the welfare and community service, conducted by the SLAGSC - SVB during the year 2022 -2023 was presented before the attendees.

A valuable lecture, delivered by Captain V. De Silva on life skills educated the gathering. Members of SLAGSC - SVB, Lady Officers together with Coordinators participated in the event.