
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

05th July 2023 23:01:26 Hours

SLCMP - SVB Launches Blood Donation Programme

The Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Seva Vanitha Branch (SLCMP - SVB) conducted a blood donation programme with the Colombo Army Hospital on Tuesday (27 June) at SLCMP Regimental HQ at Polhengoda.

The programme was organized by the 7 SLCMP and the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) of the SLCMP - SVB. More than 100 donors including Officers and Other Ranks participated and donated blood during the occasion.

Major General A.C.A De Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc, the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police and the Provost Marshal of the Sri Lanka Army, Mrs Priyanthika De Zoysa, the Chairperson of SLCMP-SVB, Brigadier A.M.R Abeysinghe, the Centre Commandant of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, Senior Officers, Officers and members of the SLCMP - SVB participated in the event.