
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

17th February 2022 09:22:18 Hours

SLEME-SVU Annual General Meeting Appoints New Committee Members for Year 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Seva Vanitha Unit (SLEME-SVU) got underway at the Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Centre Officers Mess on 28 January adhering to health guidelines.

Mrs Nandani Samarakoon, Chairperson, SLEME-SVU and members attended the proceedings. During this session, new office-bearers were also appointed to fill existing vacancies in the SLEME-SVU. The session also discussed and planned to hold welfare programmes for the year 2022.

Major General Indu Samarakoon, Army Logistic Commander, Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and, Brigadier Sanjaya Pathirana, Centre Commandant, Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers were also present as invitees to the occasion, together with a few selected representatives. The Annual General Meeting also presented its budget for the year 2022.