
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

02nd December 2022 09:02:50 Hours

SLEME-SVB Gifts Children of Civil Families in Mullaittivu & Kilinochchi Camps

Mrs Nandani Samarakoon, Chairperson, Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Seva Vanitha Branch (SLEME-SVB) with the objective of assisting children, belonging to civil employees in the 6 SLEME camp in Mullaitivu and 7 SLEME camp in Kilinochchi on 18 November.

School accessories, worth over Rs. 200,000/= were thus distributed among 25 children in those families. In addition, 4 vouchers, each worth Rs. 10,000/= and 21 school equipment sets, each worth nearly Rs. 7,800/=. were given away to the beneficiaries in civil and Army families on the same occasion.

The brief occasion was attended by Mrs Nandani Samarakoon, Chairperson, SLEME-SVB as the Chief Guest. Brigadier Sanjaya Pathirana, Centre Commandant, Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, several senior Officers and Other Rank took part in the arrangement.