19th November 2022 13:17:36 Hours
The Annual General Meeting of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch (VIR-SVB) chaired by Mrs. Kumudu Manage, was held at the ‘Salute Reception Hall’ at the Vijayabahu Infantry Regimental Centre at Boyagane, Kurunegala on Sunday (13).
During the arrangement, the son of a VIR soldier was gifted a wheelchair by the VIR-SVB. Similarly, a laptop computer and essential school accessories were donated to another student, resident at Maliyadewa Children's Home who had been qualified to enter the university.
They also at the meeting listened to a lecture, delivered by Ms. Ama Dissanayaka on the thematic topic, ‘How to be a successful partner to a member of the Armed Forces and Challenges’.