
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

17th February 2022 09:14:41 Hours

SLSR -SVU Annual General Meeting Reviews its Projects

The Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) Seva Vanitha Unit was held on 30 January, chaired by Mrs Darshani Liyanage, Chairperson, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Seva Vanitha Unit.

The re-award of scholarships that had been granted by the Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) at Army HQ also took place during the same occasion after inviting students of SLSR families to the location.

The AGM reviewed past projects, ongoing ones and future ones including a visit to the 'Abhimansala 3' at Pangolla. Deputy Commandant at the SLSR Regimental HQ and Commanding Officer at Headquarter battalion SLSR were among those who were associated with the day's arrangements.