
Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps

The powerful Mind is the strongest weapon

23rd January 2018 14:53:03 Hours

FOOD FESTIVAL 2014 STAGE 4(2014.12.25-2014.12.29)

Comprehending with the Sri Lankan typical food taking to a one place as the fourth place of food festival which was conducted under the concept of Maj Gen UAB Madewela RSP usp ndu psc Security Force Commander , SFHQ(W) and the Col Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps was held and satisfying the taste of all who arrived at Battaramulla from25 to 29 December 2014 a panel of judges which was appoint by the SFHQ(W) was select the Women’s Corps stall as the 2nd Best decorated stall as well as the 3rd place for the delicious food menu.