
Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps

The powerful Mind is the strongest weapon

21st December 2018 11:17:31 Hours


Sri Lanka Army Women’s Symposium was held on 04th December 2018 at BMICH with the theme Women: The Bedrock of Peace & Sustainable Development. HE the president Hon Maithreepala Sirisena was the chief guest. The commander of the Army Lt Gen Mahesh Senanayake addressed the gathering and stated his views on Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps & the Symposium as well. Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Sirimewan Ranasinghe and Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Kapila Jayampathy, Mrs Chandrika Senanayaka, President Army Seva Vanitha Unit, along with several prominent women activists and key resource personnel participated in the event.

The Symposium was comprised with two sessions and the subject sessions was conducted by eminent governmental organizations. The sessions centered on topics of ; ‘Impact of women participation in decision making for sustainable peace’, ‘Women’s Leadership in Decision-Making and Its Impact on Sustainable Peace’, ‘Women in Institutional Leadership and Its Impact on Development’, ‘Women as Peacekeepers and Peacemakers’ Role of Women of the Armed Forces Promoting Ethnic Harmony and Peace Keeping’ ‘Nation building through women’s Empowerment’, ‘Women's Leadership in Nation Building - South Asian Experience’, ‘Women’s Entrepreneurship in Nation-Building’ and ‘Importance of Women Leadership in Foreign Policy Making’

Prof. Ms Jeewa Niriella, Mrs Simrin Singh, Dr. Dinesha Samararatne, Ms W R M Shehani Shanika, Major Gen M A M Peiris (Rtd), Dr Dayani Panagoda, Ms Bhagya Senaratne, Mrs Varuni Amunugama Fernando and Mrs Ferial Ashraff as resource personnel form a wide spectrum of intellect contributed to the sessions of educative and informative nature. These two sessions were followed by interactive Q and A Sessions Mementoes were presented to the contributing Professionals by the Commander of the Army.