
Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps

The powerful Mind is the strongest weapon

22nd September 2020 10:40:11 Hours

SLAWC Regimental Sergeant Majors Attend Workshop on Drills

On a concept of the Colonel Commandant – SLAWC, Major General Priyantha Perera, a workshop for Regimental Sergeant Majors (RSMs) and Drill Instructors (DIs) serving in all battalions under the RHQ SLAWC organized on 18th September 2020 at the 59 Division Headquarters in Mulativ. Colonel Commandant SLAWC delivered the opening address exposing the objective of the workshop. The Centre Commandant Brigadier Janaka Rathnayake SLAWC, SO I (Additional), Commanding Officers of 1SLAWC, 7SLAWC and 3(V)SLAWC participated for the programme.