
Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps

The powerful Mind is the strongest weapon

29th September 2021 14:38:12 Hours

Retirement of Regimental Sergeant Major of the Regimental Headquarters of Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps.

Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps WO I MVDP Ranasinghe USP prior to her retirement received appreciation and commendation from the Centre Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps, Brigadier C S Thibbotuge for her exemplary service to the Regiment for two decades and awarded a memento to the retiree as a symbol of appreciation and commendation.

WO I MVDP Ranasinghe USP has been enlisted to the Sri Lanka Army Womens Corps on 24 August 2001and rendered her dedicated service to the motherland at various capacities. After an illustrious career of 20 years in the Army WO I MVDP Ranasinghe USP retired on 23 August 2021.