
Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps

The powerful Mind is the strongest weapon

25th October 2021 08:26:51 Hours

Miss. A P G Kokila Assumed Duties As Regimental Sergeant Major

S/59476 WO 1 A P G Kokila assumed the duties as 07th Regimental Sergeant Major of Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps on 22nd September 2021 at the Regimental Headquarters - Borella.

WO 1 A P G Kokila was born on 02nd September 1984 and she was a brilliant student of Sri Sarananda College, Aththanayala, Medamulla, Hambantota and she was an outstanding character in the college who amply illustrated her talents and skills in various streams. She was enlisted to Sri Lanka Army Regular Force on 11th May 2006 and followed a basic training course at Boossa Training School. Then she was posted to 1st Battalion of Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps and subsequently she has served in Army Head Quarters and Regimental Centre Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps.

During her 16 years of service she has held various appointments as Drill Instructor of 1 SLAWC , Drill Instructor of Regimental Centre and Regimental Sergeant Major of 1 SLAWC.