
Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps

The powerful Mind is the strongest weapon

23rd November 2020 16:19:02 Hours


During this prevailing situation where COVID - 19 pandemic engulfing the entire world, is threatening to our lives, snatching many lives and disrupting our day to day working, 1st Battalion Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps and Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps Regimental Center are not wasting their precious time and their abilities during quarantine period without giving up, crafts and creations were made as per the idea of Commanding Officer of 1 SLAWC Major D C N Bombuwala’s , and exhibition and competition were held to encourage and advance the talents of those lady soldiers. The Center Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps has praised the contribution of women's soldiers towards the opening of the exhibition and their creativity and talent the soldiers as they were created and handicrafts all the exhibit creation by using artificial and natural materials found in the camp. Accordingly, Prizes were awarded to the places they won in the competition.