
Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps

Effort is soul of the Nation

07th December 2021 11:33:56 Hours

Congratulations for the Outgoing Caddy Master - Slapc

In appreciation of his dedicated service and valuable contribution rendered to the Sri Lanka Military Acadamy - Diyathalawa, a farewell offered by all Officers and Other Ranks of the 1SLAPC, Pelawaththa to the outgoing Golf instructor or Caddy Master Cpl Ranasinghe AM on 18 October 2021.

On behalf of the Commanding Officer and all ranks of the 1 Pioneer Corps, extended best wishes to the outgoing Caddy Master for the prosperous retired life. Hence he joined Sri Lanka Army on 18th October 1982 and on 18th October 2021 retired after serving more than 40 years in the Sri Lanka Army.