
Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps

Effort is soul of the Nation

11th December 2019 16:01:46 Hours

Colonel MPP Perera Was Honoured In Farewell Salute

The Sir Lanka Army Pioneer Corps on Thursday, 19 September 2019 awarded farewell salute to one of its proud and products, Col MPP Perera who had rendered an exemplary and excellent service to the Unit and the Sri Lanka Army, during a formal military ceremony at the Camp premises, Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps. The retiring Col MPP Perera was warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer Col DLDD Jayasooriya at the main gate and greeted him by a Guard Turnout. Then he paid his final official tribute to fallen war heroes by placing a floral wreath at the monument

Thereafter, he addressed the all ranks in Unit at the Conference hall and expressed his sincere thanked to everyone for their unstinted support given to him during his stay in the Army. He also attended the all rank tea party at the Conference hall. Further, he made special comment and placed his signature in the visitors’ book to symbolize the retirement of his distinguished uninterrupted 33 years of service

He was a veteran Pioneerman, his classic leadership was instrumental in eliminating terrorism in motherland and tremendous service contributed to the Sri Lanka Army by holding many command and staff appointments with deferent capacities in various headquarters, few of them are Centre Commandant Regimental Headquarters Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps and lastly Senior Civil Affairs Officer at Security Forces Headquarters (Central). Further, he commanded prestigious. Col DLDD Jayasooriya the Commanding Officer and all ranks of Sir Lanka Army Pioneer Corps wished all the very best for his all future endeavors