
11th January 2024 10:44:16 Hours


The 58 Infantry Division proudly celebrated its 15th Anniversary on 03 January 2024, marking yet another milestone in its eventful history. A series of anniversary events were organized in this regard on the directions of Major General HDWKN Eriyagama RWP RSP, the General Officer Commanding of the 58 Infantry Division.

The anniversary commence with a special lunch treat was offered to a elders at ‘Nirmala Matha elders home’ at Eluwankulama on 31 December 2023 after troops cleaned up the compound in order to make the place hygienic and free form pollutants.

A ‘Bodhi Puja Pinkama’ that followed in the next day evening (01) at the temple premises inside the 58 Infantry Division Headquarters compound invoked blessings on the Division, the Army, and all the troops.

Furthermore, adding variety to the anniversary commemoration, 58 Division organized friendly cricket, Football and Volleyball tournaments between under command Brigades and Battalions. The preliminary matches were played on first three weeks of December before the final matches of Cricket and Football kicked off on 22 December 2023 at Mahinda Rajapaksha Stadium Diyagama.

In accordance with military traditions, Major General HDWKN Eriyagama RWP RSP, the General Officer Commanding 58 Infantry Division was honored in a Guard Turnout and a Guard of Honour, presented by 1 GW troops on the anniversary day of 03rd January 2024. It followed the planting of a sapling, a group photograph, and a troop address.

While addressing the troops, the General Officer Commanding of the 58 Infantry Division recalled several milestones in the history of the 58 Infantry Division and commended the dedicated service of former General Officer Commanding of the Division. Moreover he highlighted the commitments and performances of all Officers and Other Ranks who served and serving at present.

To coincide with the anniversary day, the General Officer Commanding, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, all Officers and Other Ranks attended All Rank lunch bringing commemorative anniversary events to a climax.Concluding the series of anniversary events Musical extravaganza was organized on 6th January 2024 for all ranks of 58 Division. This had been organized not just to entertain, but to elevate and celebrate the dedicated service of all ranks. The well-crafted musical tribute was an unforgettable experience for all of them.