
04th May 2024 16:16:04 Hours


Major General GMN Perera RWP RSP USP ndc, Director General General Staff (Overlooking) and Quarter Master General and Major General AK Rajapaksa RSP, Master General Ordnance made an official visit to 1 Corps Headquarters (kilinochchi) on Tuesday 30 April. The overlooking DGGS and MGO were warmly welcomed by Major General SB Amunugama RWP RSP ndu Commander 1 Corps, Brigadier RP Munipura RWP RSP Brigadier General Staff and Brigadier NWPSM Perera Brigadier Admin and Quartering of 1 Corps, The DGGS (Overlooking) / QMG, and MGO first arrived at the Conference Hall and day’s proceedings commenced with the welcome speech delivered by the Commander 1 Corps. The first session of the conference was focused on matters related to General Staff Branch and the second session was focused on matters related to Admin and Quartering. During the conference, all important security matters and pending admin matters related to both branches were discussed and the solutions were given out to the under command formations of 1 Corps (kilinochchi). In addition, valuable thoughts were shared to improve knowledge and general understanding of officers in areas related to security, training, admin and logistics.

Together with staff officers of AHQ, staff officers of 1 Corps, staff Officers and commanding officers of under command Divs, Bdes and training Schools were attended to the event and some of senior staff officers lively joined via zoom technology.

Concluding the day’s proceedings, both the Principal Staff Officers were presented significant mementos to mark their official visit to 1 Corps.