
27th May 2024 14:11:50 Hours


The General Officer Commanding 58 Infantry Division, Major General C A Rajapaksha RSP, made his maiden visit to the under command Brigades and Battalions after assuming the office. He visited Tactical Headquarters, 583 Infantry Brigade, and the 6th Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, which is presently located in Colombo to facilitate the security of the Colombo Metropolitan Area on 17 May 2024. Afterward, General Officer Commanding arrived at the 582 Infantry Brigade, which is located at Horana on 18 May 2024. The same day, he visited the 1st Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry at Diyagama and the 9th Battalion Gamunu Watch deployed in general area Mathugama.

Subsequently, the 581 Infantry Brigade which is located at Kotagala was visited by the General Officer Commanding on 20 May 2024 and the next day he arrived to the 1st Battalion Gamunu Watch, the Battalion that he commanded years ago. In completing the official visit, on 22 May 2024, he visited the 5th Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, which is located at Bellagaswewa, Hambantota.

The General Officer Commanding was warmly welcomed by the Brigade Commanders / Battalion Commanders and honored in a Guard Turnout presented by the troops in accordance with the military formalities at the entrance of their respective headquarters. After that, he was briefed on the deployment, duties, and responsibilities by Brigade commanders and battalion commanders. Adding to the day programs, General Officer Commanding planted saplings on the headquarters premises, posed for group photographs, joined with the All Ranks Tea and addressed troops of each headquarters.

During the troop address, he empathized on harnessing professionalism while preserving the highest standard of discipline when performing duties and briefed his plan of action for the days to come. Moreover, he interacted with the troops and directed the Brigade Commanders and the Battalion Commanders to maintain the wellbeing of the soldiers, and also inspected the readiness of the Riot Control Platoons along with the equipment of each Battalion.