
26th July 2024 14:07:26 Hours


A family with difficulties at KITHULHITIYAWA requested a favour from the Commander of the Army in November 2023 for constructing lavatory facilities to use by their differently abled family member. Accordingly, Commander of the Army directed Directorate of Veteran Affairs and 53 Infantry Division to fulfill the task.

Lavatory facilities provided with hand in hand with 53 Infantry Division troops and Directorate. Once lavatory is handed over, it was informed to the Commander of the Army and family members said that they have no income to support their children’s education. The request has been informed to the Director Veteran Affairs formally and with the initiative by acting brigade commander 533 Infantry Brigade Colonel Dammika Jayarathne psc donated schooling necessities to two children schooling at Grade 5 and Grade 11 on 18 July 2024 with the finance assistance of Mrs Minoli Mirenda who is living in France. She agreed to provide assistance till they complete their studies. The Acting Brigade Commander, Staff Officers and other rankers of 533 Infantry Brigade joined with the event.