Major RASL Ranasinghe RWP RSP USP GW

Major RASL Ranasinghe RWP RSP USP GW was appointed as the Chief Instructor for disaster Training wing of Sri Lanka Army Centre for Disaster Response Training with effect from 19 July 2021. Maj RASL Ranasinghe RWP RSP USP GW was enlisted to the Regular force of the Sri Lanka Army on 08 August 1999. Upon successful completion of basic military training from the Kothalawala Defence University and the Sri Lanka Military Academy, Diyatalawa he was commissioned to the Regiment of Special Forces on 17 May 2003.

During his military career, Major RASL Ranasinghe RWP RSP USP GW has served in various important appointments in the Special Forces Regiment. he held the appointments such as Group Commander - 3SF, the Squadron Commander -5SF, operation and tanning officer-1SF, later he RTU and also held the various appointment such as OC Admin - 18th GW, second in command 24th GW , second in command 23rd GW. Further he has held the instructor appointments in SFTS – Maduruoya and SLACDRT- Gampola.

Major RASL Ranasinghe RWP RSP USP GW has followed Young Officers Course , Long Range Patrol course , Practical Pistol Firing course in Sri Lanka. Moreover, he has followed foreign courses such as Basic Parachute Course and junior staff course in India Combat Tracking course in Malesiya and Young Officers Course in Bangaladesh.

Major RASL Ranasinghe RWP RSP USP GW counts 22 years of Loyal and Unblemished record of service in the Sri Lanka Army.