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ආරක්ෂක සේනා මූලස්ථානය (කිලිනොච්චි)

7 වන ශ්‍රී ලංකා පාබල හමුදාව


Batttalion was raised on 20 Nov 1992 under the command of Lieuenant Colonel GM Rockwood RSP psc at Mandathivu and the Battalion commanded by seven Commanding Officers. Initially Battalion was assigned to defensive Operations and subsequently it had been tasked to many of offensive Operations conducted in North and East. During the last humanitarian operations Battalion was initially tasked to conduct offensive Operations at eastern theater and after the humanitarian operation in the East the Battalion was directly engaged with Wanni humanitarian operations and successfully achieved many of the LTTE objectives.


මේජර් ටීකේපීඑම් ඩයස් ආර්ඩබ්ලිව්පී ආර්එස්පී යූඑස්පී පීඑස්සී
අණදෙන නිළධාරි

මේජර් කේවීඑස්එස් විතානගේ පීඑස්සී
දෙවන අණදෙන නිළධාරි

කපිතන් ඩීඑල්එන්පී ලියනගේ
විධායක අධිකාරි

බනි II දිසානායක ඩීකේආර්
රෙජිමේන්තු සැරයන් මේජර්

හිටපු අණදෙන නිලධාරීවරුන්

  • Lieutenant Colonel GM Rocwood RWP RSP PSC
  • Major KADA Karunasekara RSP PSC
  • Major W Weerakkodi
  • Major EAP Sujeewa RSP
  • Lieutenant Colonel MD Wijesundara
  • Lieutenant Colonel UR Abeyrathna RSP
  • Lieutenant Colonel GMN Perara RSP
  • Lieutenant Colonel HVA Somaweera RWP RSP
  • Lt Col MTI Gunawardana RSP psc
  • Major KAMKB Kadawathamudali RWP


ලිපිනය : 7TH SLLI, Kanagapuram, Kilinochchi
විද්‍යුත් තැපැල් ලිපිනය : bnhq7slli@gmail.com
දුරකතන අංකය : 0113073454
ෆැක්ස් : 0113073454