
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

05th December 2019 06:33:12 Hours


A felicitation ceremony for Major General S S Waduge RWP RSP USP ndu psc was held at the Regiment Centre on the occasion of his promotion to the rank of Major General. The event was unfolded on 29 November 2019 at Regimental Centre, Kuruwita with the participation of a large number of Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks.

Major General Sena Waduge was born on 06 October 1966 and completed his school education from Hambanthota Thissamaharama maha vidyalaya. Major General Sena Waduge joined the Sri Lanka Army as an Officer Cadet on 02 June 1986 to Intake KDA 4. After successful completion of the basic military training, he was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant on 17 June 1988 and posted to 5th Battalion the Gemunu Watch. He has held many command appointments in unit line such as Platoon Commander, Company Commander and Second in Command. He Commanded 5/7 Battalion of the Gemunu Watch and had excelled his service during difficult time as a Commanding Officer in 7 GW.

During his tour of duty, he has many courses both local and overseas and the few of those are; Pl Comd Course, Coy Comd Course, Special Inf YOs Course – Pakistan, Junior Command Course – India, Command and Staff Course- Sri Lanka, Basic Para Course- India, Senior Command Course- India, Defence and Strategic Studies Course – China.

Major General Sena Waduge has immensely contributed to the army with his proficiency in both Command and Staff aspects. He had proved himself as an icon of excellence by holding some of the key Command, Staff and Instructional appointments those are, Pl Comd, Officer Commanding, SI – SLMA, 2nd In Command - 5/7 GW, Commanding Officer – 5/7 GW, Staff Officer- DCOS Office, Commanding Officer- 7 GW, Commanding Officer (OCW) - SLMA, GSO 1(Ops) – JOH, Commander - 513 Brigade, Commander – 622 Brigade, Commander – 234 Brigade, Commander – 232 Brigade , Commandant – CTS (AMP), AMS-MS Br, Brig GS- SFHQ (W), Offg GOC – 21 Division and presently holds the appointment of GOC – 52 Division.

Centre Commandant, Brigadier AADNSP Dunuwila RWP RSP USP welcomed him and invited to review the guard turnout at the entrance and accompanied to receive the salute of the proud, dignified military parade. Then, the ceremonial commemoration for fallen war heroes at the monument was taken place.

All Officers and Other Ranks of the Regiment Centre extended their heartfelt gratitude to distinguished Senior Officer for his commitment and dedication to the Gemunu Watch and wished for a healthy, wealthy, peaceful and prosperous life.

Then the Chief Guest was accompanied to the lunch arranged at the Officers’ Mess. A special memento was presented to Major General S S Waduge RWP RSP USP ndu psc by Colonel of the Regiment, Major General T S Bangsajaya RWP RSP USP VSV ndu – DGGS in appreciation of his dedicated and committed service rendered to the Regiment/ Army.