
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:58 Hours


As per the direction given by the Quarter Master General’s Branch of Army Headquarters the Colonel of the Regiment the Gemunu Watch directed to conduct an awareness program on road discipline and related issues to the Army drivers. According to the vision of the Col of the Regiment, Inspector of Police, R P N Thilakarathne, OIC – Police Traffic Branch Rathnapura Division and Mr S H A Shantha Pradeep, an “A” Grade Driving Instructor and owner of Shanntha Learners Ratnapra were invited to conduct the lectures pertaining to Developing Attitudes of Sri Lanka Army drivers to reduce Road Accidents and Anti-Social Activities. The side program was held on 05 October 2017 at the Main auditorium of the Regimental Headquarters. The guest speakers were welcomed by the Centre Commandant GW and later they conducted an interactive half day program for 152 Army drivers belongs to the Gemunu Watch. The lecture included actions to avoid road accidents, awareness of road discipline, using of road signals and good driving manners. The lecture was highly appreciated by the participants and the same was confirmed by the feedbacks of the audience.