
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:58 Hours


The Gemunu Watch proudly Trooping the Colour Ceremony in the first time in history of Gemunu Watch as well as in the Sri lanka Army history on 29th April 2017. The Trooping the Colour Ceremony was held with participation and direction of Major General PUS Vithanage RSP ndu The Colonal of the Regiment and the Commander of Security Forces (Central).\r\n\r\nThe short brief of the Colour and Trooping the Colour Ceremony in the Gemunu Watch are; His Excellency The president JR Jayawardene, according to the tradition, ceremonially presented the president Colours and unit Colours to 1st, 2nd (Volunteer) and 3rd (volunteer) battalion of the Gemunu Watch on 15th August 1980 at Galle public Ground. The first time in the history of Sri Lanka Army Colours were presented to three units of the Gemunu Watch by the president.\r\n\r\nThe President’s and Regimental colours are presented to The Gemunu Watch for their loyal, disciplined, honourable and enduring service to the nation in war and peace, in Sri Lanka and abroad. They are a symbol of the loyalty, spirit, history, pride, prestige and traditions of the regiment. They are a constant reminder of comrades who laid down their lives for the honour of the regiment. In time, battle honours will be emblazoned on the colours. They are its heart and soul.\r\n\r\nIn the conflicts of 1971, 1988/89 and the Eelam campaign, the Gemunu Watch lost 138 officers and 3,031 soldiers, while 12 officers and 393 soldiers who were missing in action are feared dead, 63 officers and 1,438 soldiers were permanently wounded or disabled and 31 officers and 2,534 soldiers were wounded in action. \r\n\r\nThe Regiments awarded with Colours are Re- awarded at a parade as a tradition. Due to fading and damage caused to the flag due to long usage the Colours have to be renewed, by Re-awarding of Colours. Very often this takes place after 25 years. On 15th August 2012 Colours were Re awarded to mark 32nd anniversary of awarding unit Colours and presidential Colours to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd battalions of the Gemunu Watch by the former excutive President His Excellency Mahinda Rajapakse. \r\n\r\nTrooping the Colour is a ceremony performed by regiments of the British and Commonwealth armies. It has been a tradition of British infantry regiments since the 17th century, although the roots go back much earlier. On battlefields, a regiment\'s Colours, or flags, were used as rallying points. Consequently, regiments would have their ensigns slowly march with their Colour between the soldiers\' ranks to enable soldiers to recognize their regiments\' Colour. \r\n\r\nThe Colour Trooping Parade was consist with 37 officers and 399 other rankers. The parade commander was Lt Col KHMUB Kolongahapitiya, Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion The Gemunu Watch. To colorful this event The Gemunu Watch invited and participated Centre Commandants of the other Regiments, Government Officers of the Sabaragamuva Province, retired senior officers and other rankers in the Gemunu Watch Also to grace this occasion all senior officers of the Gemunu Watch, staff officers of the regiment centre and other rankers were participated.\r\n