
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:56 Hours


The Gemunu Watch Inter Battalion Tug of War Tournament 2015, was ceremonially held on 19th and 20th of November 2015 at Regimental Centre Sports ground. 21 battalions participated in this event and the tournament was conducted according to the league system. The Centre Commandant of the Regimental Centre Brigadier PI Pathirathna graced the occasion as the Chief Guest during the opening ceremony. 19th Battalion the Gemunu Watch achieved the 3rd place of the tournament, while the 6th Battalion the Gemunu Watch was Runner Up of the tournament and 24th Battalion the Gemunu Watch became the Champions of the Inter Battalion Tug of War Tournament 2015. Major General PUS Vithanage RSP ndu the colonel of the Regiment The Gemunu Watch who lighten the event as the Chief guest of the closing ceremony, Brigadier WBDP Fernando RWP RSP psc and Senior officers who represented the council, The commanding officers, senior and junior officers including all the regimental Sergent Majors have been participated in the event with the ceremony.