
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:49 Hours


The conflict between the Sri Lankan Armed Forces & Tamil Armed Militancy led by the LTTE terrorists over the past three decades claimed the lives of thousands of war heroes of the Motherland. 166 patriotic Officers of the Gemunu Watch made the supreme sacrifice on behalf of the Country. On 29th. August 2013, for the first time in the history of the Gemunu Watch, the Colonel of the Regiment and the Centre Commandant organized a commemoration ceremony to honour these fallen heroes. Invited to this ceremony were the NOK and members of the families of the. gallant Officers and the Officers of the Gemunu Watch presently serving at Regimental Headquarters. The Chief Guest for the occasion was The Commander SFHQ (Mulathivu) and Colonel of Regiment, Major General LBR Mark RSP USP ndu,. NOK of the 166 fallen Officer war heroes, GW Senior Officers, Officers, President of the GW Seva Vinitha Branch, members of the GW Seva Vanitha Branch were present at this occasion. Commemoration events commenced with tributes to the War Heroes at the war heroes monument. The Colonel of Regiment laid the first floral wreath followed by Brig KPA Jayasekara WWV RSP psc, President of the GW Seva Vanitha Branch. A cross section of NOK’s of the fallen Officer war heroes also laid floral wreaths in memory of all war heroes at the war Heroes monument. The Chief Guest and other distinguished invitees hosted the NOK’s and Relatives of our War Heroes to Breakfast and Tea. An almsgiving was organized for 39 members of the Maha Sanga to bestow blessings on the War Heroes in the presence of the afore mentioned Invitees and Participants at the ceremony in the Gemunu Watch Conference Hall. All the Guests were invited to a sumptuous Lunch befitting the occasion served at the Officers Mess.. The Colonel of the Regiment presented NOK’s with Mementoes to mark this special event.