
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

30th January 2018 09:16:17 Hours


The Regimental Centre, the Gemunu Watch joined hands with the Arrya Foundation to support one of its mental and moral health values development workshop and donation programme. The programme held on 27 January 2018 at the Regimental Centre Auditorium with the aim of identify of disable soldiers (capabilities) and skills. It was coordinated by the Regimental Centre staff on the direction, guidance and supervision of the Colonel of the Regiment, Major General W B D P Fernando RWP RSP USP psc.

The Arrya Foundation has donated 100 pairs of crutches, 20 sets of commodes, a Television, Novels for the GW library for the use of disabled war heroes in the Gemunu Watch. All these items were sponsored by the members of Arrya Foundation.

More than forty Arrya members participated for the event including one of the former Army Commander and Executive Officer of the Arrya Foundation General S H S Kottegoda (Rtd) WWV RWP RSP VSV USP, Chairman Charith Kirialla, Deputy executive officer and veteran actor Mr Bandu Samarasinghe, Dougles Ranasinghe, Prof. Ariyarathna Kaluarachchi, Mrs. Ascharya Pereis and doctors, actors, professionals and businessmen.

At the end of the ceremony the Centre Commandant give away the mementos to the former Army Commander and Arrya Foundation in appreciation of their assistance for this valuable event. More than fifty Officers, including the Centre Commandant, senior and junior Officers participated with more than 600 Other Rank for this event.

The event was concluded having visited to the GW Museum followed by lunch at the Officers Mess.