
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

30th April 2018 23:53:35 Hours


The Regiment Centre, the Gemunu Watch organized “Vesak Celebration for year 2018” at Kuruwita camp premises on 29 April to 2 May 2018 under the direction of Major General WBDP Fernando RWP RSP USP psc, Colonel of the Regiment the Gemunu Watch.

Many Vesak Pooja activities were organized during this period including observing Sil, Bodhi Poojas throughout the day. Displaying of large number of vesak lanterns and events related to “Themagula” also depicted all along the road towards the Swimming Pool complex and large no of civilians have visited to see those. Other than this, a ‘Dansala’ also organized to offer dinner to those who visited to see the vesak lanterns of camp premises.

During the poya day, Most Venerable Mahameunawasi Theroes conducted a whole day Atasil programme and followed by Dharma Deshana and over 75 pilgrims including Officers and Other Ranks. In addition to the Sil programme, members of Gemunu Watch conducted Armisa Pooja for Lord Buddha by Offering Flowers, Lighting Lamps, conducting Sath Budu Wandana. Gemunu Temples overcrowded with devotees and pilgrims from Regiment Headquarter Battalion, 8 Battalion of Gemunu Watch and members of Regiment Headquarter to mark this important religious event.

Divisional Secretary of Kuruwita Ms. Dilini Dharmadasa took part as the Chief Guest in an evening programme by lighting the Vesak Lanterns. The lighting signifies an offering to the memory of the Buddha who delivered the message of Dhamma and Birth of Siddharta Gautham, Attainment and Parinibbana. Colorful lanterns were made in different shapes. Regiment centre made arrangements to select most creative and innovative vesak lantern among all displayed during this period. The first, second and third places were awarded valuable prices to encourage this contribution to the exhibition of vesak lanterns at the GW premises.

It was reported that over 1500 civilians who live in and around Kuruwita have visited to see vesak celebration in the camp and attend “Dansala” to contribute the alms giving organized by the camp. Other than that lot f people gathered to hear “Bhakthi Geetha” sang by members of Highlanders’ beat group and Calypso members and many commended the great event organized by the GW camp Kuruwita.