
The Gemunu Watch

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23rd January 2018 15:16:58 Hours

UN Flag Handing Over to 11th UN Contingent of Sri Lanka Army Proceeding to Lebanon

The Parade, to hand over the UN flag to the 11th contingent of Sri Lanka Armyâs Peace-Keeping Force bound for Lebanon for a period of 1 year was held today (Thursday 09 Feb 2017) at Regimental Centre The Gemunu Watch in Kuruwita.

The contingent comprising 10 Officers and 140 Other Ranks is to be commanded by Lt Col CA Rajapaksha RSP GW while Maj MAT Muhandiramge RSP psc MIR will function as the Second in Command. Maj MMMP Mahesh Kumara SLCMP and Maj TMKC Amarakoon GW will be the Logistic Officer and the Operation & Training Officer respectively.

This is the second time The Gemunu Watch is sending a contingent to Lebanon for UN Peacekeeping missions. Officers and soldiers of other Regiments also join with this contingent.

Maj Gen PUS Vithanage RSP ndu, Colonel of the Regiment The Gemunu Watch grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.