
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:56 Hours


The Training Day of the Gemunu Watch for the first quarter of year 2016 was held at the Regimental Centre premises on 20 January 2016. It was commenced with morning PT and a drill session for the junior officers. There were three educative presentations conducted by 5 GW, 23 GW and 24 GW during the morning session. There was a lecture conducted by Mrs. Sharika Nugapitiya Cooray on 20 January 2016 in the afternoon and the program was terminated with “Diners Club” which was included with the presentation on “Security in 21 Century. What challenges will Sri Lanka face and what are her options?” conducted by Dr. Sinharaja Tammita Delgoda . Approximately 80 officers were present for the training day.