
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:49 Hours


Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu, the Colonel of the Regiment of the Gemunu Watch retired from the active service on 05 June 2017 after completing 36 years of successful service in Sri Lanka Army. The Gemunu Watch organized a farewell on Sunday (04 June 17) to one of the proud sons of the Gemunu Watch, Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu ,Colonel of the Regiment the Gemunu Watch who has rendered an exemplary service to both the organization and the country during a formal military ceremony at Regimental Headquarters, Kuruwita on the eve of his retirement from the Army. The day’s programme commenced after Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu on arrival received the Guard Turnout and was welcomed by Centre Commandant, Regimental Centre. Thereafter the Guard of Honour, presented by Gemunu Watch troops saluted Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu at the parade ground. The charming but the proud and dignified military parade was reviewed by the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment, accompanied by the Parade Commander together with Centre Commandant in accordance with military traditions. Then, floral tribute was conducted at the war memorial to remember all fallen heroes as a mark to respect their sacrifice. Further, all Rank Tea was organized at the auditorium. Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu, placed his official signature and handed over the responsibilities of the Colonel of the Regiment of the Gemunu Watch to his successor,Major General W B D P Fernando RWP RSP USP psc and also he addressed all the council members. Moreover, a Colorful Farewell Dinner was awarded to the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment at the Officers Mess as a appreciation of exceptional service he rendered to the Gemunu Watch. Further, incoming Colonel of the Regiment, Major General W B D P Fernando RWP RSP USP psc has delivered the customary farewell speech on behalf of all officers of the Gemunu Watch in order to show Gemunu Regiment deep sense of gratitude and appreciation of the service to Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu. During the farewell speech, Major General W B D P Fernando RWP RSP USP psc have recalled some of the salient achievements and milestones of Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu. After the speech a memento was presented to the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment to mark his retirement from the Army. Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu was born on 06 June 1962 at Bandarawela and he completed his school education from St. Thomas College Bandarawela and Bandarawela Central College. Being an all-rounder, he has been recognized as an icon of excellence in academics and noteworthy alumna of the college. He earned the rank of Cadet Sergeant of the school cadet platoon in the year 1977 and brought glory to the college by becoming the best commander in 5 CCC. Excellent sportsman, excelled in soccer and Athletics led the college in all island level and earned school and Sri Lanka School colours for 100 and 200 m events. For all these achievements in school, he was awarded the sports captain and Vice Head prefect of the college. As a young lad of 19 years he joined the Sri Lanka Army as an officer cadet to the intake SSC 3 on 2 September 1981. After successful completion of the basic military training, he was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant on 14 December 1982 and posted to 1st Battalion the Gemunu Watch. He began his career as an infantry Platoon Commander and subsequently posted to 4 GW and thereafter 5 GW and held appointments as Adjutant and Company Commander. He commanded two different regiments, namely the 11th battalion of Sri Lanka National Guard in the year 1996 for six months and thereafter, in 1995 he was appointed as the Commanding Officer of the 11th Battalion the Gemunu Watch where he served over three years leading men in major operations conducted in Northern and Eastern theatre of war. During his long tour of duty, he obtained a number of qualifications from both local and overseas academia. Further, he has followed following foreign courses as an Infantry officer: • Junior Officer Leadership Course in Pakistan • Basic Commando Course in India • Junior Command Course in India • Unit Command and Staff Course in Bangladesh • Small Arms Maintenance Course in China • Battalion Support Weapons Course in China • Basic Parachute Course in India • Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare Course in India • Free fall and Rigger Instructor Course in China • Dog Handling Course in Thailand • Counter Insurgency Course in USA • Peace Keeping and Psy Ops Course in USA • National Defence University (ndu) in Indonesia In addition to that, he has visited more than 17 countries attending military seminars and conferences representing the Sri Lanka Army. Apart from the military, he has followed many professional programms outside the army successfully achieving: • Diploma in International Relations • Diploma in personnel management and industrial relations • Diploma in dangerous drugs and abuse management • Higher Diploma in Human Resources Development • Higher Diploma in Counseling • Masters in Defence Studies. Some of the key staff appointments: • Chief Instructor – Commando Regiment Training School • Brigade Major – 521 Brigade • GSO 1 – 11 Division • Col GS – 51 Division • Col GS – 11 Division • Director, Psychological Operations – AHQ • Director, Movement – AHQ • Chief Coordinator for rehabilitation of ex combatants – Rehabilitation Commissioner General Office • Director, Operations – OCDS Some of the key Command appointments: • Squadron Commander - 1st Commando Regiment • Battalion 2 In Command – 1st Commando Regiment • Commander - 511 Brigade • Commander - 514 Brigade • Commander - 112 Brigade • Commander - Area HQ, Diyathalawa • Commander – Area HQ, Kandy • Commander – Area HQ, Galle • Commandant – Combat Training School, Ampara • GOC – 21 Div • Comd – SFHQ (MLT) • Comd – SFHQ (Central) Major General PUS Vithanage RSP ndu was honored with number of bravery and service medals and for his distinguished service rendered to the Army and to the Motherland: • Rana Sura Padakkama • Purna Bhumi Padakkama • North and East Operations Medal • Vadamarachchi Operations Medal • Sri Lanka Army 50th Anniversary Medal • Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal • Riviresa Campaign Service Medal • 50th Independence Anniversary Medal Moreover, Incoming Colonel of the of the Regiment, on behalf of all officers of the regiment extend heartfelt gratitude to Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu for his commitment and dedication to the regiment of the Gemunu Watch and Sri Lanka Army and also wish Major General P U S Vithanage RSP ndu outgoing distinguish Highlander, the Colonel of the Regiment a healthy, wealthy, peaceful and prosperous retired life. Security Forces Commander – SFHQ ( MLT) and incoming Colonel of the Regiment, Major General W B D P Fernando RWP RSP USP psc and many senior officers with their spouses, officers of the regiment participated for the event. At the end of the series of events, the following day Monday ( 05) the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment was awarded a street lining farewell bids ‘Jaya Sri’ by officers and other ranks of the Gemunu Watch Regiment.