
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

07th November 2019 07:53:04 Hours


A farewell ceremony for Major General K P A Jayasekera WWV RSP VSV USP ndc psc was held at the Regiment Centre on the occasion of his retirement after completion of over 34 years of successful service in Sri Lanka Army.

Major General Aruna Jayasekera was born on 19 October 1964 in the great Province of UVA, he completed his primary education from UVA College Badulla and furthered his studies from Central College Badulla. As a youth of 20 years he made a turning point in his life to full fill his child hood dream and joined the Sri Lanka Army as an Officer Cadet on 21 March 1985 under the Officer Cadet Intake SSC 04.

After successful completion of the basic military training, he was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant on 4th Oct 1985 and posted to prestigious 1stBattalion the Gemunu Watch and began his career as a Platoon Comd. Subsequently, he was posted to the 4th Battalion the Gemunu Watch and had commanded the same battalion which is one of the reputed infantry battalion in Sri Lanka Army during the era of very high intensity counter insurgency operations.

During his tour of duty, he has achieved many qualifications from both local and overseas. Major General Aruna Jayasekera has followed number of Local & foreign courses in his military career. Some of the important courses are Young Officers’ Course - India, Junior Command & Staff Course – Bangladesh, Staff Course – India, Senior Command Course - 101 India, Allied Offrs War Course – 2008 Pakistan, National Defence Course 2014 – Bangladesh, 16th Asian Regional Forum (ARF) Head of Defence University /Colleges/Institutions Meeting (HDUCIM) (China), India – Sri lanka Dialogue of Strategic Communities - India, 14th International Symposium – China, 1st International Seminar on Operation in the Jungle - Brazil, Tri - Lateral Counter – Terrorism EX (Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Maldives).

Further, Major General Aruna Jayasekera had immensely contributed to the Army with his proficiency in both Command and Staff aspects. He had proved himself as an icon of excellence by holding some of the key Command, Staff and Instructional appointments in his military career are Platoon Commander, Adjutant - 1 GW, Coy Comd Coy – 4 GW, Commanding Offr - 4GW, General Staff Offr 1 (Coord) – Directorate of Operations,Chief Instructor Trg Wing - SLMA, Col (GS) - HQ 53 Division, Directing Staff - DSCSC, Commander - 212 Brigade,Director, Operations - AHQ, Commander - Task Force 08, General Officer Commanding – 68 Division, Commandant-Sri lankan Army Officers Career Development Centre, Director Training –AHQ, Director Army Sports, Director General Training - AHQ , General Officer Commanding – 14 Division, General Officer Commanding – 22 Division, Colonel of the Regiment - RHQ GW, Commander – SF HQ (E).

For the bravery act in the face of enemy, he was awarded with second highest gallantry award, Weera Wicrama Vibushanaya once, third highest gallantry award Rana Soora Padakkama thrice and for his unblemished military career, he was awarded Vishishta Seva Vibhushanaya, Uttama Seva Padakkama and many other medals.

He served as the Deputy Contingent Commander in MINUSTA in Haiti and was the Head of the Delegation on a visit to Mali to recee on pre deployment of troops under MINUSMA. He has attended the 1st International Jungle Warfare Seminar held at Amazon Command in Manaus - Brazil and delivered a lecture on Sri Lankan experience on Jungle Warfare. He had been the Head of the Delegation to witness the India – Sri Lanka Joint Exercise ‘MITRA SHAKTI - 2015’ and he was a member of the 1st TEMTEST workshop arranged by US Military in Jakartha - Indonesia.

He was the pioneer of conceptualizing the first Multi National Field Training Ex Cormorant Strike 1 and 2 being the Director of Special Operation Commander. He had been the Ex Director for the 3rd time in year 2017 in Ex Cormorant Strike. He is a visiting lecturer at KDU, OCDC & Air Symposium as well.

Major General Aruna Jayasekera is a professional sportsman where he had contributed much to Sri Lanka Army Tennis as the Chairman of Army Tennis Committee and has achieved many medals and awards. He is a recipient of Regimental colours over the age limit of 45 & 50 and the Championship of Defence Service Tennis Tournament in year 2018.

Centre Commandant, Brigadier AADNSP Dunuwila RWP RSP USP welcomed the Chief Gust and invited to review the Guard turnout at the entrance and accompanied to the salute of the proud, dignified military parade. Then, the ceremonial commemoration for fallen war heroes at the monument was taken place.

All officers and Other Ranks of the Regiment Centre extended their heartfelt gratitude to distinguished outgoing Highlander for his commitment and dedication to the Gemunu Watch and wished him for a healthy, wealthy, peaceful and prosperous life.

Then the Chief Gust was accompanied to the dinner at the Officer’s Mess. Major General T S Bangsajayah RWP RSP VSV USP ndu, Director General Training- AHQ, has delivered the customary farewell speech on behalf of all Officers of the Gemunu Watch to show deep sense of gratitude and appreciation of the service of Major General Aruna Jayasekera. During the farewell speech, Major General Suraj Bangsajayah has recalled some of the salient achievements and milestones of Major General Aruna Jayasekera. A special memento was presented to Major General Aruna Jayasekera by new Colonel of the Regiment, Major General T S Bangsajayah RWP RSP VSV USP ndu in appreciating of dedicated and committed services rendered to the Regiment.