
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

27th August 2019 16:51:52 Hours


Officers Training Day of the Gemunu Watch is intended to improve the Officers’ knowledge on Military and Non Military subjects which presumed as inevitable to enhance the professionalism of the Officers. The first session of Training Day of the year 2019 was held on 19 July 2019 at the Regimental Centre with the participation of Senior and Middle Grade GW Officers.

The Staff Officer 1 (A) welcomed all Officers on behalf of the Colonel of the Regiment and explained the importance and the value of the event as an important and special event in the Regimental event calendar. The Officers’ Training Day programme was unfolded as per the following sequence.

  • Case Study (Maj & Below).  

  • Presentation on “Danger of Sri Lanka becoming a Transitional Hub for Drugs” conducted by 8 GW.

  • Presentation on “UN Allegation and Future of Sri Lanka Foreign Relation” conducted by 15 (V) GW.

  • Lecture on “Global warn terrorism and countering the extremism and future security challenges” conducted by Lt Col Nalin Herath RSP SLAC.   

  • The Indian Ocean’s involving strategic environment and the geopolitical challenges to Sri Lanka (Diners’ Club) conducted by Mr Asanka Abeygunasekara.

The guest lecturer, Lt Col Nalin Herath RSP conducted an invaluable presentation, on “Global warn terrorism and countering the extremism and future security challenges” Presently he is holding the appointment as a GSO I (Coord) 14 Division.

The 8 GW and 15 (V) GW conducted presentations, on “Danger of Sri Lanka Becoming a transitional Hub for Drugs” and “UN Allegation and Future of Sri Lanka Foreign Relation” respectively.

For the Diners’ Club, Mr Asanka Abeygunasekara graced the event as Guest Speaker and conducted a presentation on” The Indian Ocean’s involving strategic environment and the geopolitical challenges to Sri Lanka. He was welcomed by the Staff Officers of RHQ GW on behalf of the Col of the Regiment and all Officers. Prof Asanka Abeygunasekara is the Director General of the Institute of National Strategic Studies of Sri Lanka (INSSSL).

The event was arranged as per the intent of the Commander of the Army to groom Officers while sharing their knowledge and experience with their subordinates. Training has no end in military career; it is a continuous process throughout, Training as best welfare one can give and gain in military will mold Officer’s discipline, character and commitment, and pursuit excellence in their performance. It contributes to developed and groomed well- rounded group of Officers to take up the challenges of any nature in time to come.

The Officers’ Training day was undoubtedly an important event to all Officers and it could able to get the peak of success due to the fervent guidance of Colonel of the Regiment Major General K P A Jayasekera WWV RSP VSV USP psc, as well as the Commander SFHQ (E), in order to groom GW Officers. After completion of the training day, the senior Officers thanked all participants and conveyed kind regards to all.