
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

24th June 2020 12:45:09 Hours


1. This quote by Sun Tzu, the author of the book The Art of War, might be an old one, but its relevance is still intact. Ever since the middle ages, logistics has been a crucial part of winning or losing any war. Now, in the millennial generation, the logistics startups are fighting this war on multiple fronts for different industries.

2. Logistics is used more broadly to refer to the process of coordinating and moving resources – people, materials, inventory, and equipment – from one location to storage at the desired destination. The term logistics originated in the military, referring to the movement of equipment and supplies to troops in the field.

3. The subject Admin in the field is quite complicated for the Officers to learn. So far, there was no any other way to learn Admin in the field rather refer to the manual published by the army. Hence, having understood to this timely requirement, Brig KHK Kottawattha RWP RSP USP - Comd 613 Bde has published a very important book named Admin in the field which completely include the subject, clearly in short but comprehensively. It is an outcome of a study of question papers. Over past 20 years and this is his 2nd book. Also he has written more than 1000 various articles and preparing to launch his 3rd book very soon. He presented the maiden copy of his newly published book to Maj Gen T S Bangsajayah RWP RSP VSV USP ndu - Comdt SLAVF and Col of the Regt GW on 12 June 2020 at Officer’s Mess RHQ GW.