
The Gemunu Watch

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23rd January 2018 15:16:49 Hours


The Highlanders Gee Miyesiya and Lottery Draw was organized to raise funds for the Gemunu Watch. It was held on 28 September 2013 at the Regimental Sports facility in Kuruwita The Chief Guest on this occasion was the Commander of SF HQ (Mulativu) and Colonel of the Regiment of The Gemunu Watch, Major General LBR Mark RSP USP ndu. Well Wishers and Donors who made generous contributions to make this event a great success, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and their families, and a significant number of the general public were present at this event. Music and entertainment for the event was provided by the Gemunu Watch Regimental Band “The Highlanders”, Members of the “Rana Viru Real Stars” and “The Amaya Dancing Troupe” from Negombo . The Chief Guest presented mementos to the participants of the Ranaviru Real Stars, ( RRS Stage III), Corporal Manoj Prasanna KBWN , Colour Sergeant Wasantha Kumarasinghe RLW and Sergeant Sameera of the GW . They were placed 4th , 19th and 39th respectively The winning numbers of the Lottery were drawn by the Chief Guest and Senior Officers of the Gemunu Watch. The Numbers drawn were