
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:58 Hours


Major General G J A W Galagamage who was promoted to the rank of Major General on 16 April 2017 was offereded a customary felicitation ceremony to pay the gratitude and respect of the Gemunu Watch. The traditional event unfolded on 16 September 2017 at Regimental centre, Kuruwita with the participation of a large number of senior officers, officers and other ranks.\r\n \r\nMajor General G J A W Galagamage is a proud product of Sri Gunananda College and De La sal College, Colombo. After successfully completing his studies, he joined the Sri Lanka Army Regular Force in 1985. Having completed the basic military training, he was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant and was posted to the prestigious 1st Battalion the Gemunu Watch. He has held many appointments varying from Platoon Commander, Intelligence Officer and Commanding Officer of Regimental Headquarter Battalion the Gemunu Watch.\r\n\r\nDuring a long tour of duty, he held many command and staff appointments in various formations. Some of them are General Staff Officer III - 11 Bde, General Staff Officer III - Dte of Ops, Staff Officer II – GS Br,General Staff Officer 1- 56 Div, Commander 513 Bde, Brigadier General Staff – SFHQ (KLN), Director Sports and General Officer Commanding – 57 Division. Major General G J A W Galagamage presently holding appointment of the General Officer Commanding – 54 Division. \r\n\r\nFurther, he has obtained a number of qualifications from both local and overseas academia. A few of the foreign courses of training that he followed are Intelligence Officer Course – India,Young Officer Course – India, Junior Comd Course – India, and Brigade/Regiment Commander Program – China.\r\n\r\nOn 17 sep 2017, Major General G J A W Galagamage was received by the Centre Commandant, at the main entrance and awarded with the Guard Turnout. Thereafter he was awarded with a Parade, presented by Gemunu Watch troops at the parade ground. The charming but proud and dignified military parade was reviewed by the newly promoted Major General, accompanied by Centre Commandant in accordance with traditions of the Gemunu Watch.The parade commander was Major G K S T Pushpakumara RWP RSP. \r\n\r\nAddressing the gathering, Major General G J A W Galagamage extended his sincere gratitude to all past and present senior officers, other officers and men of the Regiment for paving way for his today’s success which was filled with many moments of hardships and happy events as well. He further stated that all Officers and other Ranks are the main courses for the success of his military career. \r\n\r\nThe day’s proceedings were culminated with the lunch offered at the Officers’ Mess the Gemunu Watch. The Colonel of the Regiment, who is serving as Deputy Chef of Staff, Major General W B D P Fernando RWP RSP USP psc presented a memento to Major General G J A W Galagamage to marks this memorable occasion. Major General G J A W Galagamage’s beloved Father, Mother, wife Mrs. Madam Rasika Galagamage, son Suleka Galagamage, daughter Budmi Asini Galagamage and his relatives, GOC 52 Infantry Division Major General W A Wanniarachchi WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc and many senior officers, Staff Officers at the Regimental Centre the Gemunu Regiment were participated in extending their well wishes to the Major General G J A W Galagamage. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n“Tarry Not Forward” \r\n