
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

02nd July 2020 16:35:44 Hours


A farewell ceremony for Major General SADAD Gunawardana RWP RSP was held at the Regiment Centre on in view of his retirement after completion of over 34 years of successful service in Sri Lanka Army. The traditional event unfolded on 30 June 2020 at Regimental Centre, Kuruwita with the participation of a large number of Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks.

Major General SADAD Gunawardana RWP RSP was born on 1st July 1965 in the Trincomalee and received his primary and secondary education from Galahitiyawa central collage and Mavilmada Central college. Major General SADAD Gunawardana RWP RSP joined the Sri Lanka Army as an Officer Cadet on 17th January 1986 to the Intake SSC 10 Sri Lanka Military Acadamy. After successful completion of the basic military training at SLMA, he was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant on 10th May 1992 and posted to 4th Battalion the Gemunu Watch.

He has held many command appointments in unit line such as Platoon Commander, Company Commander and Second in Command. He has Commanded the prestigious 6 GW during the very high intensity era of the war against LTTE.Further, Major General SADAD Gunawardana RWP RSP has immensely contributed to the Army with his proficiency in both Command and Staff aspects. He had proved himself as an icon of excellence by holding some of the key Command and Staff and appointments in his military career Staff officer 3 at Directorate Of Operation , Brigade Major at 223 BDE , Adjutant at Army Command and Staff College, Officer Commanding at Infantry Training Center, Staff Officer 1 at Joint Operation Headquarters, Brigade commander - 581 Bde, Brigade Commander -142 Bde, Additional Director Infantry at AHQ and later as the Director Infantry at AHQ. Finally he performed duties as the Director General Infantry at the AHQ.

During his tour of duty, he has followed many local and overseas courses and Young Officers Course in Pakistan, Junior command course in India and Senior Command Course in India. Apart from that, he has followed Advanced Security Cooperation programme USA in 2012 and he was appointed as Minister Councilor Defense at Sri Lankan Embassy of Turkey in year 2014.

He is a recipient of third highest gallantry award Rana Wickrama Padakkama and fourth highest gallantry award Ranasura Padakkama in recognition of his bravery execution and performance in the battle field. In addition he has been awarded Military Decoration such as Desha Putra Padakkama , Rivirasa Campaign Service Medal, North and East Humanatarian Medal , Sewabamani Medal , North and East Operation Medal and 50th Indepependance Medal.

Centre Commandant, Brigadier AADNSP Dunuwila RWP RSP USP welcomed the Chief Gust and invited to review the Guard Turnout at the entrance and accompanied to the salute of the proud, dignified military parade. Followed by ceremonial commemoration for fallen war heroes at the monument. An all Ranks Tea was organized at the Paradise hall of the RHQ GW. All Officers and Other Ranks of the Gemunu Watch extended their heartfelt gratitude to distinguished outgoing Highlander for his commitment and dedication to the Gemunu Watch and wished him for a healthy, wealthy, peaceful and prosperous life.

Then the Chief Guest was accompanied to the dinner at the Officer’s Mess. Major General T S Bangsajayah RWP RSP VSV USP ndu, Commandant Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force and Col of the Regt GW delivered the customary farewell speech on behalf of all Officers of the Gemunu Watch to show deep sense of gratitude and appreciation of the service of Major General SADAD Gunawardana RWP RSP. A special memento was presented to Major General SADAD Gunawardana RWP RSP by Colonel of the Regiment, in appreciating of dedicated and committed services rendered to the Gemunu Watch.