
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

14th February 2022 15:36:32 Hours


Commanding Officers' Conference of the Gemunu Watch presided by Colonel of the Regiment Major General PML Chandrasiri WWV RWP RSP ndu was held at the Regimental Centre the Gemunu Watch Kuruwita on 06 February 2022. All Commanding Officers and Staff Officers of the Regimental Centre were among the participants.

The conference began with a noteworthy briefing delivered on the carrier progression of officers, the current mechanism, and evaluating system of Officers’ Carrier Development plan by Maj Gen EADP Edirisinghe psc on the invitation of Colonel of the Regiment.

During the discussion, Colonel of the Regiment spoke on the key areas of new mechanism that aims at inspiring more officers to take part in the DSCSC entrance examinations every year, whilst directing all Commanding Officers to work on the plan of making the year 2022 as the period wherein the most number of officers would attend the DSCSC entrance examinations. Further, the arrangements were also initiated by appointing responsible Senior Officers to facilitate the officers preparing for the promotion examinations and proclaimed to ensure that every officer should pass the examination at his first attempt.

Further, participation of both officers and other ranks in all other courses should be made mandatory for the carrier progression and the groundwork of preparing plans for the same was also discussed. It was highlighted that the utilization of the unit funds in the welfare development activities should be carried out through transparent and beneficial manner. Before concluding the session and taking part in a group photograph, Colonel of the Regiment discoursed a word of advice to all commanding officers s as to conform to allocate priorities for ERE and attachments of both officers and other ranks based on their true needs and genuine requirements.