
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

31st December 2019 17:26:10 Hours


The 2nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gemunu Watch Seva Vanitha Branch was held at the Ranaviru Resources Centre - Wattala on Saturday 14th December 2019, presided by its President, Mrs. Hashmareen Bangsajayah.

The day’s proceedings got to a start with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp and observance of two-minute silence in memory of all fallen War Heroes before the start of the AGM as well as the annual financial statement was tabled before the gathering.

A brief video documentary that summarized what the SVBRGW in the year reminded the gathering of its accomplishments before the SVBRGW President made a brief address to the occasion on the importance of continuation of its welfare role on behalf of War heroes and family members. A group photo towards the end of the proceedings with all members and chairperson of Seva Vanitha branch added memories. After the group photograph a lecture on “Family planning, Subfertillity and common diseases among women” was conducted by Dr. Dilan Malinda and a beauty culture programme was conducted by “Chandanalepa Ayurvedic Group”.

Further, SVBRGW donated a scholarship of books and stationeries to selected soldiers for the betterment of their children’s education. At the end of the event, get together with the participation of president and members, former presidents, and former members was held at officers’ Mess of Ranaviru Resources Centre. A raffle draw with valuable prizes to the participants and special gift packs with group photograph were distributed among all participants at the end of the programme.